How Strong is the Magnet
How Strong is the Magnet
We use neodymium magnets in all of our holster lines. Neodymium magnets (“Neo” magnets) are a type of Rare Earth Magnet with the highest magnetic properties, and are the most powerful commercial magnets available today.
When the magnets are combined with the new leather it may take the leather some time to mold and conform. We have found that after 5-6 days of use the leather on the outer flap of the holster will relax and soften. You can help speed up this process by giving the holster a good massage. You can also take a look at our videos online for some tips and tricks on getting the best use out of our holsters.
If, however, after a few days of use you still see the flap staying up (and are wearing a good stiff belt) please let us knowing we'll happily swap the holster out for you.