How to Break-in the Leather of the Holster

How to Break-in the Leather of the Holster

With the G2 we pre-condition the holster and break-in the leather about 95% of the way.  They are very comfortable right out of the box but we do recommend anticipating a 1-3 day break-in period.  This helps ensure the leather molds correctly around your firearm.  There are a few things you can do to break-in the leather.

  1. Simply wear the holster.  Wearing the holster with your firearm in it ensures the leather will break in nicely within a few days and become very comfortable.  After about 2 weeks it will be next to fully broken in and stretched out, however we notice by hearing from a lot of users that after just a few days it is very comfortable.  *Please note that the G2e English Bridle version of the holster will take about a week to break-in, however after a month of use you'll find the G2e to be a little more supble than the regular version.  That being said, users are very happy with either version.
  2. Wear the holster without the firearm in it.  Many customers like to wear the holster around the house the first few days without anything in it.  This helps you to get used to the new positon you'll be carrying as well as softening up the leather even more.
  3. Massage the leather when you first get it, this will help speed up the break in process.
  4. Use leather conditioner.  This is the fastest way to speed up the break-in process. We found that conditioners like Bick4 are better to use than Leather Oils because they won't clog the pores of the leather and rub in very quickly and cleanly.

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