A holster for On and Off-Duty Officers: Securely Concealed from Others while Easily Accessible for You



Urban Carry pop up holster



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The unique design of the Urban Carry is completely different from common Inside the Waistband (IWB) holsters. A design where you can carry with any attire and never have to leave home unprotected. This classicly styled holster allows the firearm to sit Below the Waistband (BWB), keeping the firearm clear of the waistline. Instead of dressing in baggy, layered clothing to avoid revealing your gun, the Urban Carry keeps your firearm comfortably seated on your thigh, enveloped in quality 100% genuine saddle-grade leather.  In the same way that your phone or keys rest in your front pocket while sitting or standing, the Urban Carry holster provides a pocket behind your pocket that comfortably holds your firearm at your fingertips.  Whether you are wearing jeans, lightweight suit pants, shorts or even have your shirt tucked in, our gun holster can be worn completely concealed without printing the shape of your firearm.  Putting the firearm below the waistline allows you to move freely in whatever clothing you choose.  Whether you are driving, sitting at a desk, hiking, golfing, or doing just about any activity our ultimate concealed carry holster makes it possible to dress according to your own personal style and not around your firearm.





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