What’s the best concealed carry holster for the Smith & Wesson M&P Shield?


The best concealed carry holster for the Shield is the G3 deep-concealment holster by Urban Carry. The Shield is an incredibly popular gun for self-defense and the G3 holster provides the most comfortable, secure way to conceal that firearm. The G3 is an appendix inside the waistband holster that sits below the waistline, making it much easier to move at the crease of the hip compared to traditional holsters.


Why is the G3 the best holster for the Shield?

Simply put, the G3 offers greater concealment than other holsters, and makes carrying your firearm every day much more comfortable. Instead of having the grip of the gun digging into your stomach or side, the G3 places the gun below the waistline, virtually eliminating dig and further concealing the firearm. With the G3, you’ll never have to worry about printing or your firearm showing from under your shirt. The gun stays locked down in the G3, totally concealed until you’re ready to draw.

The M&P Shield, both the original and 2.0 version, are popular carry guns for a number of reasons. First, it’s affordable with a retail price of $449 from Smith & Wesson, although it can be found cheaper at local shops and online. Second, the Shield is easily concealed due to its slim width and overall small size. It’s also very easy to use and extremely reliable. 

One reason the Shield works so well with the Urban Carry G3 is because of how slim it is. With the Shield, drawing the G3 is even easier because there’s simply not that much gun to pull through the belt line. This thinner profile also allows the gun to sit flatter on the thigh when holstered in the G3, reducing printing and increasing comfort. It’s for these reasons that the G3 and the Shield is our most popular combo.


What size G3 holster does the Shield fit into?

The M&P Shield works best with our Lieutenant size G3 holster; that provides the best fit and draw for the Shield based on its specific size. Whether you’re carrying the Shield with the flush-fit magazine or the extended 8+1 magazine, the Lieutenant is the perfect fit. The Lieutenant is the correct size for the Shield in .40 or .45 as well.

The G3 does take about week to break in, and we recommend following our break-in tips & tricks for best results, along with using a good leather conditioner like Bick 4. The Bick 4 will help soften the leather and protect it, and after the initial break-in period we’d recommend using leather conditioner on the G3 every couple weeks to protect the leather.


How easy is it to draw the G3?

The G3 holster provides a quick draw that’s simple & easy to learn. You can draw from the strong side, perform a cross draw, draw while seated and even one handed. In fact, we’ve actually put together a few videos of how to draw the G3 that you can watch below.

What if the G3 isn’t for me?

We’ve realized that the G3 may not be for everyone, which is why we offer several other holster options for the M&P Shield. Our REVO system is a great concealed carry holster, offering a custom set up so you have a perfect draw and comfortable carry every time. There are a few choices in the REVO line, and you can check them all out here.

Of course, Urban Carry offers a 30-day “test drive” so you can try out the G3 and find out if it’s the right holster for you. Just like breaking in a firearm, the G3 requires some break-in time, too. The leather will soften up and form to the shape of the Shield, creating an even better fit, usually around 5 days.

Another option for you may be a Sport Belt or Hip Hugger holster. These around-the-body holsters are extremely comfortable and can be worn under most shirts and pants. The Hip Hugger and Sport Belt holsters offer fast access to your firearm while eliminating the need to clip anything to your beltline.

Sport Belt and Hip Hugger holsters simply wrap around your midsection or hips and have pockets that your gear fits into. The pockets are made from strong elastic, so the firearm, magazines or other gear you’re carrying stays securely attached to your body. These holsters are made from a breathable material so they don’t increase body heat and keep moisture away from you and the firearm.

These around-body holsters are great for exercising or traveling, especially because you can carry things other than firearms or extra mags in them. A lot of people will actually use the Sport Belt to carry their cell phone and wallet while travelling abroad so they can’t be pickpocketed, or they use it to carry their gun while out running or hiking.