All of us at Urban Carry fundamentally believe that the proper kind of training can save your life. If you’re new to virtual reality we're here to let you know that this technology isn’t just for gaming.

It's for education, entertainment, exploration, and so much more. In addition to crafting holsters, at Urban Carry we want to provide you with all the tools you need to have the best chance to survive. Virtual reality is one of those tools.

By watching explanations and drills through VR different parts of your brain are activated. Rather than just seeing videos on a flat screen, you’re immersed in the situation and your mind recognizes that this is something more important to learn and understand.

This way you have a higher and faster recall of this knowledge if your every in a real life situation that is life threatening. Most of the drills are only a few minutes long so they can be learned quickly.

The Urban Carry training app works flawlessly with our VR headset and most smartphones. The app can be downloaded for free from the iTunes or Google store. So step in, look around, share it with a friend and immerse yourself in the Urban Carry Virutal Reality Trainer!