Monthly Archives: August 2017
August 25, 2017
How to be a Responsible Gun Owner
Thankfully, owning a gun in the United States is a fundamental right. With that said, it's also a responsibility. As a gun owner, it is your duty to yourself and those around you to always follow gun safety rules and ensure that you owning a firearm makes the world a safer place rather than a more dangerous one. To aid you in that pursuit, here are the top tips for becoming a responsible gun owner.
Secure Your Guns in a Gun Safe
The reason why it's so important to secure your guns in a safe is three-fold. For one, securing your guns in a gun safe keeps your guns from being stolen. More importantly, though, it keeps them out of the hands of those who should not have access to them. This includes both small children who could harm themselves or someone else if they ever got ahold of a gun as well individuals who may not be able to acquire a gun any way except by stealing it such as convicted felons and people who have
August 18, 2017
Concealed Carry While Hiking
Hiking is an excellent way to get out and enjoy the great outdoors, and in most cases, all you will encounter on a hike are friendly faces and beautiful wildlife. Nevertheless, there is always the risk that the people and wildlife you encounter won't be so friendly. Many of the nation's best hiking trails crisscross their way straight through bear country, and even predators of the two-legged variety have been known to target victims on hiking trails. To protect themselves from these threats, many people choose to carry a firearm with them while they are hiking. If you are thinking of concealed carry hiking, here are few things you will want to take into consideration:
Stopping Power
We don't want to veer into caliber wars, but many of the calibers popular for concealed