Common Concealed Carry Mistakes

In this article, we're going to go over some of the most common concealed carry mistakes, and how to avoid them.
When you're getting accustomed to something new, mistakes are inevitable, and concealed carry is no different. Sometimes, even concealed carry pros are prone to the occasional error.
When it comes to concealed carry, though, the stakes are pretty high, and errors should always be avoided at all cost. With that in mind, here are a few of the most common concealed carry mistakes. Learn what they are so that you yourself can avoid them.
Adjusting/Touching Your Gun in Public
Every time you reach down to casually touch your weapon or adjust it you are drawing attention to the fact that you are carrying. While there is nothing inherently wrong with this, if your goal is to be discreet, touching/adjusting your weapon in public is anything but.
If you purchase a quality holster that holds your weapon firmly in place, you shouldn't have to adjust it very often and you certainly shouldn't have to touch it to ensure yourself it's still there.
Only Carrying On Occasion
If you make the decision to obtain a concealed carry permit and carry a firearm, it's in your best interest to carry it with you all the time. People who start carrying only on occasion often end up not carrying anymore at all.
Carrying on most occasions leads to carrying only on some occasions which leads to a person leaving their gun in the safe to stay. Make a commitment to carry your gun every time you go out and soon it will become second nature.
Sometimes, even if your firearm and holster are completely covered by your clothing, the outline of the gun is still visible. This is called printing, and it drives many people who concealed carry crazy.
While printing probably isn't as serious an issue as you might think (most people never notice) it is still a mistake that should be avoided if you value discretion. Always dress around your gun and experiment with clothing and holster combinations to find the ones that best eliminate printing.
Using a Poor Quality Holster
While most people understand that it's important to carry a high-quality, reliable firearm, some people fail to realize that the same holds true for holsters. The truth is that not all holsters are created equal.
Some holsters are going make your weapon difficult to draw, uncomfortable to carry, easily visible to outside observers, or all of the above. When choosing a holster, give the decision the careful attention that it deserves and pick a high-quality holster that will serve you well.
Carrying Where You're Not Allowed/Not Supposed To
Unfortunately, gun-free zones do exist. To stay out of hot water, you'll want to avoid carrying your firearm anywhere it's not allowed. Many times, though, either by an accident or on purpose, people end up carrying their weapons in places they shouldn't; in 2015 alone, the TSA confiscated over 2,500 firearms.
Not only is it important to avoid carrying your weapon where it's not allowed, it's also important to avoid carrying it places where it's just not a good idea to have it on you. At a doctor's appointment, for example, where you are likely going to be required to let a doctor closely examine you, it's probably not a good idea to go in with a gun on your hip.
Getting Complacent
Perhaps the mistake that those experienced with concealed carry are most guilty of is growing complacent. No matter how old-hat concealed carry becomes, you must always maintain vigilant awareness.
Be on the lookout for potential mistakes as well as opportunities to improve your skills. Only by always keeping your head on a swivel will you be able to avoid the common concealed carry mistakes listed above as well as the many others that exist.