Ruger LCR [HD] Cleaning & Features

The Ruger LCR, or Lightweight Compact Revolver, is one of the most popular concealed carry guns on the market, mainly due to its extremely light weight. The LCR can be chambered in .38 Special, .357 Magnum, .22 Long Rifle (.22 LR) and .22 Winchester Magnum Rimfire (.22 WMR).

The LCR is a hammerless revolver, but there is an option with a hammer called the LCRx. The upper cylinder frame and barrel assembly are made from 7000 series aluminum, and except for the cylinder, everything is covered in polymer. This reduces the weight even more.

Despite the light weight, recoil is fairly well managed due to the extremely comfortable Hogue grips. This pistol is also virtually rust-proof.

This is definitely a pistol to consider for concealed carry or even home defense. Watch the full cleaning and review below!