Page 2 - Reviews
April 19, 2018
In this video, we'll show you how to field strip and clean the SP2022 by Sig Sauer, and then go into some additional information about this pistol. The Sig Sauer SP2022 was originally designed for French law enforcement, but once it came to the United States, it became an extremely popular home defense and concealed carry gun.
The SP stands for Sig Pro, and the numbers 2022 denote the service life of the pistol. These were rolled out to the French police in 2002, and scheduled to last for 20 years as their sidearm. With the way the SP2022 is built, it's going to last much longer.
The 2022 is very similar to Sig's P226, one of the most popular combat pistols of all time, except that it's lighter than the P226 due to the polymer frame. The reason why it's so popular is that the SP2022 strikes a fantastic balance of price and quality, and it's similar design to the P226 demonstrates its proven effectiveness.
The SP2022 is chambered in 9mm, -
April 18, 2018
The Kahr P40 is an extremely popular double action only (DAO) striker-fired pistol, especially for concealed carry. It comes in two models, the P40, which is all-steel, and the PM40, which features a polymer frame.
The barrel is stainless steel and comes in at 3.5 inches. The slide and frame are slim, which adds to the concealability and ergonomics of the P40. There is no external safety, just the slide lock/takedown pin.
The P40 has a magazine capacity of 6+1, and it may be a little "picky" about what type of ammunition it likes. The Kahr is very popular for its ergonomics and ease of use.
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April 18, 2018
For this video, we'll be going over the Glock 26 & 27, and showing you how to take it apart and clean it! We decided to do them both in the same video, since they are so similar. Often referred to as the "Baby Glock," the G26 & G27 are extremely popular subcompact handguns, often used by both civilians and law enforcement as a concealed carry/back-up gun.
The Glock 26 is chambered in 9mm, and the Glock 27 is chambered in .40 S&W. The 26 has a magazine capacity of 10 with a standard flush fit magazine, but it also accepts larger magazines from other Glock 9mm pistols, like the 19 or 17.
This gives it a magazine capacity of 15, 17 or even 30+ rounds with aftermarket magazines. For the 27, it's standard magazine capacity is 9 rounds, but again, you can use those other .40 cal Glock mags for it.
If you're looking -
April 18, 2018
The Ruger LCR, or Lightweight Compact Revolver, is one of the most popular concealed carry guns on the market, mainly due to its extremely light weight. The LCR can be chambered in .38 Special, .357 Magnum, .22 Long Rifle (.22 LR) and .22 Winchester Magnum Rimfire (.22 WMR).
The LCR is a hammerless revolver, but there is an option with a hammer called the LCRx. The upper cylinder frame and barrel assembly are made from 7000 series aluminum, and except for the cylinder, everything is covered in polymer. This reduces the weight even more.
Despite the light weight, recoil is fairly well managed due to the extremely comfortable Hogue grips. This pistol is also virtually rust-proof.
This is definitely a pistol to consider for concealed carry or even home defense. Watch the full cleaning and review below!
April 13, 2018
In this video, we'll be showing you how to field strip and clean the Colt Defender Series 90, as well as go over some features and details about the firearm. The Colt Defender hit the market in 2000, and they've become quite popular because of their 1911 styling and compact size while delivering the power of the .45 ACP round.
The Defender does comes in 9mm as well. The Colt Defender features low-mounted Novak sights, with a stainless steel slide and aluminum alloy frame. It has a standard slide lock/release and manual thumb safety, as well as a scalloped ejection port. The extended beavertail prevents slide bite and is attached to the grip safety.
The backstop safety has a slight ridge to make sure that it is fully depressed to fire the gun. The magazine holds 7 rounds, plus one in the chamber.