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December 17, 2018
You want to increase revenue, right?
We’ve gone over some things that cause gun stores to fail, and we’ve talked about building culture and community in your business. Now we’re going to spend some time on some direct ways you can attract more customers into your business and create some additional streams of income.Concealed Carry License Course
This is the course that every person living in a state that requires a permit to carry a concealed firearm has to take. Most people in this class are going to be relatively new to firearms, concealed carry and defensive handguns, so this is a great time to make them a customer for life.
This will take some training on your part from a training organization such as the USCCA. The USCCA provides not only a solid training program but also a toolkit that will help improve the quality -
December 10, 2018
Local Stores Struggle to Survive - What does the future hold for gun shops?
With the advent of the Internet and retail behemoths such as Amazon taking over the online marketplace, physical retail locations have seen a marked decrease in profitability.
The same is true for the firearms industry, with everything from training to accessories being available online, and consumers can buy and sell weapons online as well; they just need an FFL to transfer to and from.
Obviously, the traditional retail method has changed and it would behoove the local gun store owner to adapt to this style of business as well.
How does the local gun store differentiate itself in these times of digital deals? Well, there are several ways.
First and foremost -
November 21, 2018
Missed Part 1? Read it here.
Gun Stores & Ranges Keep Making the Same MistakesWe've found five things that consistently pop up in gun shops and ranges across the country that are detrimental to business. Working on some of these common issues can help bring new customers in and old customers back. Here are the 5 biggest problems we've found with firearm businesses all over the country:
- No Process for Newbies
- Ugly Display Racks and Shelves
- Poorly Lit
- Not Featuring Best Sellers
- No Product or Service Bundles
November 14, 2018
7 Reasons Why Most Gun Stores Fail
It’s an unfortunate truth that most small businesses fail within five years of opening, and that statistic applies just as much to businesses within the firearms community as well.
Whether you’re an armorer, custom gun manufacturer, gun store owner, or fall into a different category of the firearms industry altogether, there are some principles that will help sustain and grow your business and keep you out of the majority.
For the purposes of this article, we’re simply going to refer to gun store owners, but if you’re a custom Cerakote applicator or firearms instructor, these tips will apply to you as well.
Reason 1: Failure to Reach a Core Audience
Having a loyal customer base that not only comes to you for their initial purchase, but -
November 08, 2018
Choosing and Carrying a Back Up Gun
A back-up gun, or BUG, is an important consideration for every responsibly armed citizen. In most cases, the term “back-up gun” refers to a concealed weapon that a person will carry on their body as a back up to their primary concealed carry weapon. Back-up gun can also refer to a gun in your home, car or workplace that serves the same purpose of providing protection if the primary gun fails or is inaccessible.
For many people, especially those new to concealed carry, the idea of carrying two or even three guns instead of one seems overzealous. If you’re new to concealed carry that could be correct; you may need to get used to carrying one gun before carrying two or three.
Other people question why a person would need more than one gun for personal protection, so let’s answer that right off the bat.