Page 5 - Blog
June 28, 2018
The Survival 13 - Guest Blog from BattlBox CEO Daniel Dabbs
This article has been reposted with express permission from BattlBox.
We've all heard of the 3 rules of survival, the 5 C's of survival, and the lengthier version, the 10 C's of survival. Some may know the widely-used military acronym S.U.R.V.I.V.A.L. as well.
For me, these versions are either missing some major survival components, or are just an antiquated acronym that needs a major update.
The Survival 13 was developed by myself as a training tool to remember EVERYTHING necessary to survive another day in ANY environment. These were also put into order of importance for ME, and as you read, perhaps -
June 27, 2018
Full Review of the SIG P365: A Concealed Carry Phenom
SIG Sauer unveiled the P365 at the 2018 SHOT Show, subsequently sending everyone and their cousins into a frenzy of either pure joy or loathsome hatred for the little micro-compact striker fired pistol.
Here are the specs on SIG’s micro-compact wonder:MSRP: $599
Caliber: 9mm
Capacity: 10+1 in the flush-fit and pinky extensions mags; 12+1 in extended mag
Weight: 17.8 oz. (empty magazine)
Sights: XRAY-3 Day/Night Sights (3-dot with tritium inserts)
Trigger: ~5 lbs.
Overall Length: 5.8”
June 20, 2018
A Guide to Properly Storing & Securing Your Guns
As a gun owner, it’s your responsibility and legal duty to keep your firearms safely stored. Storing your guns properly also reduces environmental wear on them, and depending on the type of storage you choose, can also house other valuables.
If you carry a weapon for self defense, whether that’s a concealed firearm, pepper spray, or a gun for home defense, you need to be protected legally. The USCCA is a leader in self-defense insurance, and you can visit their page learn more about why you need concealed carry insurance.
You have a wide range -
June 12, 2018
Five Shooting Drills to Improve Your Self-Defense Abilities
(read to the end for the most important drill of all!)
It's well known that practice makes perfect. In the case of self-defense using a firearm, being perfect could be the difference between life and death. It's not enough, though, to simply take your handgun to the range from time to time; in order to feel confident that you are prepared for whatever comes your way, you need to practice shooting drills that are designed to train you for the types of self-defense situations you are most likely to encounter.
In this article, we'll cover a number of shooting drills that are recommended by some of the most qualified trainers in the world. Learn these drills, practice them often, and one day they may play a vital part in your self-preservation.
Why Shooting Drills Are Important -
June 06, 2018
Concealed Carry Insurance: What It Is, Why You Need It & Who's The Best
Very simply put, concealed carry insurance protects you in the event that you need to defend your life or someone else's life using lethal force. Most concealed carry insurance covers the use of hands or other objects as weapons as well as firearms, so even if you just carry pepper spray, insurance is something you should still consider.
Who do we recommend for self-defense insurance?The United States Concealed Carry Association, or USCCA, is our choice.
In our opinion, they offer the most comprehensive coverage for those who