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June 05, 2018
Summertime: Bane of the Concealed Carrier
Concealing a handgun when you're wearing long pants and a bulky winter coat isn't all that difficult.
However, when the weather starts warming up and the appropriate attire becomes less and less bulky, managing to carry your firearm in a way that is both comfortable and fully concealed can become much more of a hassle.The good news is that there are plenty of strategies that you can make use of to make concealing a firearm during the summertime a more easily accomplished task. Outlined below are several great tips for concealed carry in the summer.
No matter -
June 01, 2018
What are the best guns for concealed carry?
Once you decide to take your defense into your own hands and acquire a concealed carry permit, the first choice you must make is to decide which firearm you would like to carry. There's certainly no shortage of great options available, as countless firearm manufacturers attempt to cash in on the concealed carry market by creating handguns optimized for concealed carry.
Below, we've outlined eleven different firearms in four different categories that we feel are the best of the best when it comes to concealed carry handguns. Choose one of these firearms and match it with one of the best concealed carry holsters and you can't go wrong.
No matter what gun you decide to carry, in the event that you have to use that firearm, or any other weapon, to defend -
May 30, 2018
For some, the concept of everyday carry (EDC) is akin to a sacred ritual, an important part of their lifestyle that they wouldn't feel the same without. Others may not even be sure what the term every day carry even means.
This is a guide for people on both ends of this spectrum and at every point between. In it, we'll define EDC and its importance, discuss the advantages of making the concept of EDC a part of your life, and cover the items you may wish to include as part of your EDC kit.
What Is Everyday Carry?
Everyday Carry, or EDC, refers to a list of items that a person carries with them every time they leave the house. These are the items that you double check your pockets for before you walk out the door, items that make you feel almost anxious if you don't have them on you, and items that are always -
April 20, 2018
In this article, we're going to go over some of the most common concealed carry mistakes, and how to avoid them.
When you're getting accustomed to something new, mistakes are inevitable, and concealed carry is no different. Sometimes, even concealed carry pros are prone to the occasional error.
When it comes to concealed carry, though, the stakes are pretty high, and errors should always be avoided at all cost. With that in mind, here are a few of the most common concealed carry mistakes. Learn what they are so that you yourself can avoid them.
Adjusting/Touching Your Gun in Public
Every time you reach down to casually touch your weapon or adjust it you are drawing attention to the fact that you are carrying. While there is nothing inherently wrong with this, if your goal is to be discreet, touching/adjusting your weapon in public is anything but. -
April 20, 2018
Law enforcement is a risky job, even when you are off-duty. Becuase of this, many law enforcement officers choose to carry a concealed handgun even when they aren't in uniform or even after they have retired. This allows them to always be able to protect both themselves and those around them.
However, if you are a law enforcement officer who wishes to carry a firearm when you are off-duty or after you have retired, there a few things you will want to keep in mind. Listed below are a few special considerations for law enforcement officers who concealed carry.
Use a Quality Belt
For law enforcement officers who are used to carrying their weapon on their kit belt, concealing a weapon can be a bit of an adjustment. Even when carrying concealed, though, it is still vitally important to have a heavy duty belt that can properly support your weapon and its holster.